2011 was a hectic year for ITC. Besides day-to-day operations, we have worked with a number of projects many of which are subsidised by the Danish Agency for Culture.

eReolen - 'downloan' e-books

On November 1, the public libraries’ national e-book service was launched. It became a success from the very beginning. 80 publishers and 98 municipalities have signed up and the number of loans rises every month.

Library system

ITC drew interest to a national tender and initiated cooperation with KOMBIT. The result is that 94 municipalities will joint in a tender. The system will provide services to public as well as school libraries and increase cooperation between the two sectors.

Selection of materials

No more purchasing groups exist and the purchase of materials now takes place externally and is controlled and coordinated by our media consultant. This has contributed to a significant administrative saving and to the implementation of the last cost-cutting.


More libraries have joined the TING project and TING has developed a new infrastructure for the libraries’ dissemination to and dialogue with the users. TING has been chosen as the underlying infrastructure for Danskernes Digitale Bibliotek (The Danish Digital Library) and a new version of the coming joint CMS system is now being developed.

Furthermore, ITC works with Open Source for the user PCs, content projects which put further resources at the disposal of the users, and projects like DigiForm that is to disseminate digital resources in the physical library space and many other projects.

ITC has a high level of activity and production, which is only possible due to dedicated and committed employees who, besides solving tasks, are constantly able to develop new and challenging ideas.

Some numbers on the activities of the libraries in 2011

Visitors: 2,353,816

Circulation: 4,813,092

Visits to measured via KPI Index: 1,762,327. 

Number of visitors: 542,807 and number of page views: 10,722,108

Editor: Rolf Hapel
Text, lay-out and translation: ITC Design
© Citizens' Services and Libraries, ITC
Møllegade 1, 8000 Aarhus C