
Gaming – when the library joins in is a development project at the Main Library concerning computer games and gaming culture. The project began in 2010 and ran to April 2012.

In collaboration with the local newspaper Aarhus Stiftstidende and aarhusian first movers within gaming, we have tested disseminating games and gaming culture to the citizens of the city through workshops, network meetings, presentations, articles, blogs, competitions and recommendations. Dissemination takes place inside as well as outside the library’s walls and examinations of the game media and gaming culture took place as events in the library space and communication via network. Also, we disseminated via the digital and printed version of the newspaper and via online gaming forums.

The project is innovative as it involves first movers and the local gaming community. Moreover, we collaborate with e.g. gaming magasines, web editors and a national network in order to enter new platforms and scenes that can help the library’s dissemination of games and gaming culture.

In future, gaming dissemintaion will have a visible place in the Main Library when it comes to communicating in and outside the walls of the library and in relation to our event strategy, our network and our competence development.

The project was subsidised by the Danish Agency for Culture.

Project websites (in Danish only):