Fun Facts

The purpose of the project is to generate a database of funny and quirky facts as well as a number of widgets that enable the libraries’ websites to show facts.

Urge for more

Fun Facts wants to offer users a tiny ‘knowledge snack’ that can encourage further study of music, literature, films or entertaining online inspiration. Fun Facts is meant to be entrenched in websites of libraries, Info Galleries or other digital platforms.

Biblioteksvagten (online library service) delivers facts

Biblioteksvagten is a partner in the project as they have specific competences within the facts area. Biblioteksvagten has provided the project with 500 facts. Some of the other suppliers are the Mindspotters in the Main Library and the library users. The fun facts will be launched in May 2012.

Project website (in Danish only):
On Twitter: FinurligeFakta

Cooperation partners: Biblioteksvagten, Odense Central Library and ITC, Aarhus Public Libraries

The project is subsidised by the Danish Agency for Culture.